Service System Technicians

Consultative support by industry specialists.

Our Service System Technicians (SST) are highly qualified specialists.  SST technicians are consultative by nature and will work with your team to understand your challenges and target activities that eliminate your performance inhibitors.  Typically, SST visits are completed regularly on a frequency of two to four times annually to ensure your equipment achieves optimal and sustainable performance.   Each visit serves to prepare for the following visit, allowing us to plan the appropriate resources and parts, ensuring we are as productive as your press.  SST programs can focus on specific technical disciplines press but can also be flexible to include various technical disciplines to best serve your most pressing needs.

Program Benefits:

  • Highly qualified specialist
  • Cost savings for additional inspections or for pre-inspections
  • Small repairs, if possible, within the time frame of the stay
  • Support for planning and conducting necessary service work
  • Continuous training of plant personnel
  • Education and delegation of tasks maximize ongoing performance and development of your team
  • Forward planning of maintenance activities
  • Active communication and reporting between teams
  • Provides a strong foundation for optimal performance and technical availability

Case Study

Increased productivity, reduced unplanned downtime, and higher quality resulting from regular, planned service visits

Wisconsin, USA

Completed Quarterly

Presses built in the last 20 years have pushed the ceiling on speed and page output. Most running in excess of 3,200 FPM, also push the consumables and equipment to the max, requiring more emphasis on maintenance than generations before. Our System Service Technician program (SST) provides flexible and sustainable maintenance support for your equipment by completing planned and targeted activities on a high frequency. Users see higher and more consistent performance from their equipment.

Like many printers, this Wisconsin printer recognized inconsistent performance from their press. After completing folder tune-ups and rebuilds, they would see significant improvements in quality and output but over time, the performance would slowly decline. They quickly recognized the value of increasing the frequency of visits to flatten out their performance slump and maintain maximized output.

Opting for quarterly visits, we initially focused together on folder maintenance. Exchanging wear and tear parts and adjusting the folders system settings and timing, quickly improved the consistency of the folder. Additionally, our folder specialist would train press operators and maintenance personnel on how they could improve operational and maintenance procedures to impact press performance. Each visit, the SST Technician would discuss their findings with the customer and prepare a plan for the next visit.

As time progressed, various scope changes were implemented based on need. Repairs and maintenance tasks in the printing units and reelstand were completed further supporting the performance improvement. Occasionally the technician was exchanged with a print instructor and PECOM/Omnicom technician to target other performance potentials.

Two years into the program, this printer is seeing exceptional improvements to their performance. Overall press output has increased by 16% as a result of higher press speeds and reduced non-productive time. Make-ready waste has also seen a positive reduction of 19% through better fold quality and improved preset optimization.

Solution Features:

  • Quarterly visits of 3-4 days quarterly
  • Flexibility to prioritize tasks and technician disciplines

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Providing innovative solutions and support to keep

your equipment running at peak performance.